Friday, August 1, 2008

Happy Happy Joy Joy

Hey guys,

As promised here's a longer list of things that make me happy.

1. Dancing

2. Rocking out in my Car

3. Going to plays or musicals

4. Finishing a knit project

5. Figuring out a way to fix a mechanical problem

6. A Nap on a warm(not hot) Day

7. Good Tea(especially hot cinnamon sunset)

8. A massage

9. A hug from a friend

10. Good music

11. Good food

12. Making fudge

13. Laughing with friends and family

14. Clothes fresh from the dryer when I'm cold

15.Good Television(is there any?)

16. A Good Conversation.

17. Arts projects

18. And like zz top says-I'm crazy about a sharp dressed man.

Do something today that brings you joy.


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