Monday, August 31, 2009

picture of the week

Hey guys,

I've been playing around on the computer again. I was looking for a program that would allow me to make slide show movies. I tried windows media movie maker. The program hates my computer. So I decided to try Animoto. I made a movie but it had to choose music from their list. You're supposed to be able to add your own music-again my computer said no. So I decided to visit an old friend. I went to and made this movie. It's a kind of fix it and forget it format. Slide gives you a lot more flexibility,or, you can remain hands off. I'll warn you it's a really long epic slide show. But I like the end results.


Saturday, August 29, 2009


I haven't been able to post for a while. It's not that there hasn't been anything going on-it that too much has been going on. Why do you have to make all of your really important decisions in 2.5 seconds? Now I'm figuring out school,housing,and trying to get my financial house in order. I've at least done the financial house thing. I learned from my financial advisor that I need to have 159,000 dollars to retire. How am I going to get there? Well I guess I'll be looking into multiple streams of income and the like. Talk about being fiscally responsible always makes me feel antsy. Thoughts of traveling,cooking,and having my own business start to percolate in my brain. I really want some room to grow and stretch my creative muscle. I'm tired applying snatch minutes of creativity to the fabric of my dreams. Last night I made pumpkin butter for the first time. I haven't tried it on bread yet but so far it's grand!. I hope to soon post some pictures of the knitted items that I've been working on. Gotta go back and finish my work day.


Monday, August 17, 2009

Photo of the Week

Just a little humor for the early monday morning blahhhs!


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Did you go to the Ohio State fair,funnel cakes,cheeseburgers and Fries!

Hey guys,

I do so love Simon and Garfunkel! Well it's officially over! I made it through my craft show at the Ohio State Fair. The lovely Ms. L invited me to shared a booth with her. Her dog sweaters are too cute! We generated a lot of interest and lots of people took our business cards. The cool thing about our booth was the live music stage right in front of us. So we got a birds eye view of Belly Dancers

I loved the fact that they all looked like real women. That's incredibly ballsy to get up in your i dream of genie outfit and dance in front of people. I also loved the veils-I think I'll check out the classes!

The Band Couch Forts

A guitar,violin,and banjo-lovely music.

And also

I can't remember the name of the band but they are blue grass. I loved the harmony of the mandolin with the guitar and upright bass. Their voices were also blended well.

After that Ms. L and I packed up our gear and tucked it away in my car. Then we came back for the real fun. We went to the nature reserve-a part of the fair I was unfamiliar with and took some crazy pictures

We went and visited the chickens. Doesn't this one look like an orchestra conductor? I just loved his hair

next we pretended that we were fisher women

but really their was a weird alien dancing around our craft show.

All in All I had a Ball. I forgot how fun the state fair is!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Picture of the week!

I know I've been slacking on my posting. I'm in full knit fever(boy does it feel good!) so I haven't been really at the computer much. Hopefully you didn't feel neglected without my daily observations to brighten your day. This picture was taken at a rest area on our way back to Ohio. My sister-in-law and I had just snagged a whole bunch of fireworks on our last gas stop and we were coming into the home stretch part of our drive(how's that for a run on!). We made it home safely! and I'll be enjoying the fireworks soon-hopefully this weekend if it doesn't rain.!


The way I see it!

Well Good News!

I'm still employed!!! Yeah!!! and the kicker is all of my co workers survived the library funding crisis! I'm so happy to have a job and also to be able to do a job that I like doing! Well enough about that-the title of this post is actually the newest album put out by Raphael Saadiq. I've always loved Toni,Tony,Tone ever sinces they came out with "Hey Little Walter" and who can forget "It feels Good" or "My ex-girlfriend is a Ho!" or "It never rains in southern california". The list goes on and on. This solo effort is so fun! He took me straight to motown on this one. Songs like 100 yard dash,keep marching on,and sure hope you mean it just made me think of 60's era music. I found myself trying out all kinds of dance moves. I even fit some of my line dances into the songs. I waited so longgggg to get this album from the library. It was so worth the wait. If you like motown or just good music in general I'd suggest trying out the way I see it.
