Friday, April 10, 2009


My niece and I decided to make pizza one day. We used just one of Trader Joe's Garlic and Herb Pizza Dough. The pizza dough only cost $1.19. She used half and I used half. Here are hour instructions to a great pizza. First take the dough out of the fridge and let it come to room temperature about 20 minutes. Then roll out your dough in a nice circle or rectangle.

K: Put the sauce on your pizza. You might want to put extra to make it good. I used normal spaghetti sauce and my topping was turkey and cheese.

D: I made a spinach pesto and that was the sauce for my pizza. My toppings were tomatoes onions and cheese. Great for vegetarians but not for vegans.

Preheat a oven to 425 degrees. Place pizza on a lightly oiled pain or hot pizza stone. Bake for 6-8 minutes. If you followed our direction you should end up with this!

K: Make sure your pizza pan isn't slanted or it may come out extra crispy burnt. It's happened to me

D: I enjoyed making the pesto and the pizza. I made my pizza into a pizza roll that's awesome. I'll have to post picture soon.

Wait until the pizza's cool to cut it. Then enjoy!

K: Never ever make spinach pasto or whatever, whatever desi made because it taste like you put grass on dough and cooked it.

D: If your taste runs more toward simple kid faire stick with the turkey and cheese. If you want a healthy alternative that's great for your heart and taste great-try the spinach pesto.

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