Saturday, January 26, 2008

How many projects can desi start at one time? The world may never know.

Hey guys,

I'm back. New and improved and committed to loving myself and all my creative habits. I'm working on not letting anyone devalue what i'm interested in doing. If you spend all your time doing what those you love deem important, then i'm in your corner. Not that you shouldn't do the things you need to do. Just make time for yourself and the creative soul that God has placed in you. It is so worth it! I don't knit to the exclusion of all else-of course not-but I do find time to let my little light shine. I just finished my first fair isle hat creation. I had to work at getting the hat dimension just right. I'm currently working on a baby vest pattern that has tons of cables and twist in it. I love working on something new and old at the same time. Cableing is old to me but baby vest are new. One may ask the question? If you don't have children how come you're always making baby items. It's not because I have a desire to be with child. In one word-it's faster which means I can start something new almost immediately. I am also working on a pair of mittens, and a double knit hat-this time just for me. How crazy is it that I knit but I don't have a hat or pair of Gloves? I know, so wrong on so many levels. Gotta go do the hippy-hippy shake in my basement. It's a cool Hula exercise tape-kind of makes me want to go Hawaii-Guess I'll have to settle for a fictional vacation.

Until next time.

Peace love and soul

1 comment:

NTT said...

Alooohaaa haaaa
Alooohaaa haaaa
I can just picture it now. A pale beach, a nice cool breeze off the ocean, and a comfy hammock within which I'm knitting a bikini. ;)
You have a truly knittastic blog going, keep up the good work!