Friday, February 25, 2011

Oh What a night

Last night I couldn't get to sleep at all. no. no I couldn't get to sleep. I went out dancing for the first time since 1985! it was great because it was Ladies' 80's which meant that it was free for me! Sadly I did not have an adidas track suit or a huge gold chain with a clock attatched to it. It was still fun. So after dancing my behind off i went home only realize that I couldn't find my phone. I thought it must be in my car or in the house. I finally found in outside the club this morning. Yep my phone spent the night out in the cold and the rain. It still works I'm hoping to figure out away to dry it out. Post a comment if you have some ingeneous ways to accomplish this task. So this morning I've been binging on journey, prince, and glee of course. I'll have to regulate my music diet to prepare for my upcoming spanish oral quiz and composicion! I do solmenly swear and declare that I will give a 50 page disertation on the merits of having a foreign language requirement for english major. I mean really if I'm majoring in english maybe i really like it. Maybe my idea of fun is not four quarters of spanish? I'll use this time of testing and trial to stretch my brain and grown into an international spanish speaking sensation. probably not. Here's a nod to the 80's

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