Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Magic mirror tell me today did all my friends have fun at play?

Hey guys,
I've been enjoying myself these last few days. I went hiking with my favorite niece(okay she's my only niece but still my fave). Instead of braving the nearly and now clearly $4.oo/gallon gas prices-we decided to hike a little closer to home. We had so much fun. It was like being a kid again. We skipped(picture it Innis woods circa 2008) did all the trails and the kid-play(watch house party for the reference) and finished with Hindi movie dance scene reenactments and belly dancing moves. I loved it we spent 2 hours getting a great work out that was fun. I nearly fell off the trail while we did the father Abraham song(father Abraham has many sons). I'm back to exercising the regular way now. I've been doing hip hop abs for the past week. After doing it for two days in a row I've gotten used to the moves and can really get into it. The moves remind me of the dances from the 80's break dancing scene the I loved. The music is awesome as well. That Sean t. is so cool-he makes thing so fun. I would love to support our local parks by visiting them regularly but come on-Gas is ridiculous. My economic stimulus is already gone. Everything cost more now so I have to think more about the little luxuries in life that I allow my self-gorgeous soft yarn-eating out once or twice a week. I'm on lock down financially until I can get some breathing room. There ought to be a law against having your license,car tags,and car insurance due in your birth month. They should know that you want to spend some money on yourself that month. I'm doing it anyway-I've set a little a side for my own personal spa visit. It's my treat for making better choices in the last couple months. Well I gotta go kids, enjoy your Wednesday and walk instead of driving-stick it to big oil and do something for yourself.

hugs and kisses


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